
My name is Dakotah Voet and I am a software developer. I am pursuing my passion in game development and design. I will be cataloging my experiences, insights, and blunders here along the way for the consumption of anyone who happens by.

Beans Acquired is the name or entity under which I hope to promote and distribute the games that I intend to create. That name has no significance beyond a throwback to some sleep-deprived gaming mischief that a few chums and I got up to years ago. That being said, what kind of person would I be if I couldn’t plaster a deeper meaning on to something that is otherwise nonsensical in order to suit my needs?

/bēn/ noun – plural noun: beans

a very small amount or nothing at all of something (used emphatically).

/əˈkwī(ə)r/ verb – past tense: acquired; past participle: acquired

learn or develop (a skill, habit, or quality)

I’m not sure that I did that right.


Me as I like to imagine others see me when I am most pensive

I am a 33 year old married father of two. I’ve been a gamer since the NES, a technophile since the Pentium II, a coding enthusiast since GeoCities, and a professional software developer for the last four years. I have written a lot of garbage code over the last fifteen years but I’m not too humble to wager there weren’t some gems in the mix.

I’ve wanted to make a proper game since I was a kid. I am hoping that I can use this platform to achieve that goal or, at the very least, learn something.