Journal Uncategorized

Post-Mortem: The Pineapple Platformer – Part 2

In my last post I had focused on the few most prominent things that I had learned in creating a very small scoped project. I had intended to follow up with a deeper dive into the more technical hurdles that I had encountered and insights gained but, now that has been so long since I’ve […]

Journal Uncategorized

Post-Mortem: The Pineapple Platformer – Part 1

I think its kind of funny to see written out but I’ve been really looking forward to the doing a post-mortem analysis. First and foremost because you can’t really do one until you finish something and that means that I’ve managed to accomplish something I set out to do – make a game. Just because […]

Design Development Journal Process

The Pineapple Platformer Completed

I had meaning to track more of my progress as I was going through the final stages of this project but, alas, here we are and I am calling this project done. I plan to cover more in depth my takeaways through a series of post-mortem posts but for now here is a high-level. The […]

Development Journal

A Humbling Experience

Got busy for a stretch there but I expected as much. Time to get back at it. Plan of Attack Last week my lovely wife finally convinced me to schedule time for game development. She must’ve heard enough of me trying to engineer some grand mechanism for how I was going to get myself to […]

Code Frameworks and Packages

Show and Tell: Task Scheduling Made Easy with Coravel

As I figured would happen, this month really slipped away from me. I have been working on a number of big projects at work and at the end of most days I’ve been too burned out to work on any personal coding projects. Hopefully October eases up and I can get back too it but, […]

Code Development Uncategorized

Overbuilding a Grid in Unity

I can say pretty confidently that over the last 5 years I have made and re-made some sort of grid system in Unity close to a half dozen times. Its not particularly complicated but it is another example of time I’ve wasted. Much like the debugger, I saw another opportunity to add a tool to […]

Code Development

Creating a Custom Debugger for Unity

One of the most important things that I’ve learned as a developer is that debug and trace statements are an invaluable tool. Although Unity’s default debugger works fine and even supports rich-text and custom styling out of the box, I wanted to take a few hours and make it work better for me. Specifically I […]

Design Process

It’s All About the Fundamentals

I’ve spent the week mulling over what I wanted to do with my daughter’s wonderful game idea and I am definitely going to take some liberties with it. It is still going to be a 2D platformer but I am trying to think of something I can do to inject some spice into it. The […]

Art Design

Drawing the Pineapple Character

Here is a time lapse video I made of my attempt at drawing the pineapple character for the first project. As you can see, I was experimenting with a few different approaches before I fell back into what I am comfortable with: vector shape-based drawing. I will probably continue to record and post a lot […]

Journal Process

Sharpening my Colored Pencils with a New Project

I find that I spend a lot of time considering whether it’s going to be easier to create a 2D or a 3D game. I know it’s easy enough for me to generate static 2D assets. I don’t have a ton of experience 3D modeling but I imagine it would be easier to rig up […]